Manitoba Women's Health
The Manitoba Women's Health Profile is a collaboration, with funding
provided by Health Canada, Manitoba Health and the Bureau of Women's
Health and Gender Analysis.
The Profile will provide new information on the health, health outcomes
and health care use of women in Manitoba, using a broad perspective.
What makes women healthy or unhealthy is not just a combination
of physical and physiological conditions, but includes many other
influences. Health is more than the absence of illness and staying
healthy requires more than just receiving good health care. Geography,
stress, income, employment conditions social supports and roles
and responsibilities in the community are just some of the factors
that affect women's well-being.
The Women's Health Profile will bring together current information
about many facets of women's health, including a review of available
data on health and health care use and a gender-based analysis of
the inter-relation of the factors and complicated influences they
have on women. The Profile will describe and explain these factors,
and point to policies and programs which can lead to improvements
and change.
Background Report
Producing a Profile of the Health of
Manitoba Women
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As part
of our early work on the Women's Health Profile, PWHCE secured
a contract with WHO Kobe Centre
to conduct a field test of the core Set of Gender-Sensitive
Leading Health Indicators. copies of the final report are available
Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence
Administrative Centre
Tel: (204) 982-6630
E-mail: pwhce@uwinnipeg.ca |