Le Centre d'excellence pour la santé des femmes – région 
          des Prairies
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Politique axée sur la recherche

Submission To The Saskatchewan Minimum Wage Board
Centre d'excellence pour la santé des femmes - région des Prairies
Pour informatione:

Centre d'excellence pour la santé des femmes - région des Prairies
56, The Promenade
Winnipeg (Manitoba) R3B 3H9
Cette étude a été subventionnée par le Centre d'excellence pour la santé des femmes - région des Prairies (CESFP). Le CESFP est financé dans le cadre du Programme de contribution pour la santé des femmes, lui-même administré par le bureau pour la santé des femmes et l'analyse comparative entre les sexes à Santé Canada. Les opinions exprimées ici ne reflètent pas nécessairement le point de vue du CESFP ni la politique officielle de Santé Canada. 
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Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence
Submission To The Saskatchewan Minimum Wage Board

Raising the minimum wage is a good example of healthy public policy.

By increasing the minimum wage to an adequate living wage, the Government of Saskatchewan can make a significant contribution to reducing health inequities and improving the health of the population. Increasing the minimum wage is one important part of a wider strategy needed to increase economic security, reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for low wage earners.

Currently, Saskatchewan's minimum wage is $6.65/hour. This rate has been in effect since November 2002. Four provinces and three territories have minimum wages that are higher than Saskatchewan. In Manitoba, the minimum wage is $7.00/hour, set in April 2004. Several jurisdictions outside Canada have minimum wages that offer more protection from poverty and some have indexd the minimum wage to protect low-income earners from increases in the cost of living. Clearly there are good working examples of policy alternatives that we can examine for this province.

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Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence

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Centres of Excellence