Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence
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Related Sites

Centres of Excellence for Women's Health:

Centres of Excellence for Women's Health
Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (ACEWH)
National Network on Environments & Women's Health (NNEWH)
BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health (BCCEWH)

Please take a moment to visit these other related sites:

Bureau of Women's Health and Gender Analysis
The Bureau of Women's Health and Gender Analysis is responsible for ensuring that women's health concerns receive appropriate attention and emphasis within Health Canada. The Bureau is also the focal point for women's health in the Federal Government.

Canadian Women's Health Network (CWHN)
The CWHN is committed to building regional and national links among organizations and individuals who care about women's health.

Women and Health Reform
The National Coordinating Group on Health Care Reform and Women.

Women and Health Protection Group

Our Partners:

Fédération provinciale des Fransaskoises(FPF)
L'organisme offre aux femmes d'expression française des ressources et des services de qualité répondant à leurs besoins. Ainsi, il promeut l'éducation des femmes, favorise leur autonomie et améliore leur condition tout en sensibilisant la communauté aux préoccupations de la femme.

Prairie Region Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Saskatchewan (PRHPRC) Established in 1993 at the University of Saskatchewan to support and foster health promotion research across communities and five universities in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

University of Regina (U.of R.)
University of Manitoba (U.of M.)
University of Winnipeg (U.of W.)
Women's Health Clinic (WHC) The Clinic helps bring together agencies and individuals for education and action on issues such as birthing and midwifery, new reproductive and genetic technologies and health reform.

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Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence
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Centres of Excellence