L. Donner
The Prairie Women's Health Centre of
Excellence (PWHCE) is funded by the Bureau of Women's Health and Gender Analysis, Health Canada, to compile
information, support research and develop policy
advice which will enable the health system to
become more responsive to women's health
In the fall of 1999, the PWHCE released a research
report entitled Invisible Women: Gender and
Health Planning in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
and Models for Progress, by T. Horne, L.
Donner, and W. E. Thurston. The report was an
analysis of community health needs assessments,
and health planning documents developed at the
regional or district level, as well as interviews
with representatives of health districts
(Saskatchewan) and regional health authorities
(Manitoba). The documents and the interviews
analysed in the study revealed little evidence of
gender analysis being used to inform health
planning at the regional or district level.
Information on health needs was rarely disaggregated
by sex, and consultations with
women's groups were the exception, rather than
the rule.
Although many local health districts and regions
provide women's health programs and services,
they are often focussed somewhat narrowly on
women's reproductive health or women's
assumed responsibility for the health and care of
their families.
The lack of attention to identifying and planning
for women's health needs seems to contradict
international, federal, and provincial
commitments to gender-based analysis of public
policies and programs. While both Saskatchewan
Health and Manitoba Health recognize gender as
an important determinant of health, this
recognition is not reflected well in the regional
and district health planning processes.
As a result of the Invisible Women report,
Saskatchewan Health, the Saskatchewan
Women's Secretariat, the Manitoba Women's
Health Unit, and some regional health authorities
and health districts expressed an interest in
undertaking further work on gender and health
planning. In Manitoba, women have been
designated a priority population by Manitoba
Health since the early 1990s. Recently, the
Minister of Health endorsed a Women's Health
Strategy that formally recognizes gender as a
determinant of health. It also identified a
commitment to work with regional health
authorities to promote gender-based analysis and
planning, and awareness concerning women's
health issues across the life cycle.
In Manitoba Prairie Women's Health Centre of
Excellence is supporting these steps to improve
women's health and women's health planning
through the Gender and Health Planning Project.
One part of the project is this report which
records the success of the South Westman
Regional Health Authority Women's Health Project.
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