Sighting Gender Based Analysis: Phase II Of Invisible Women |
W. E. Thurston with the assistance of A. Eisener Background The Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence (PWHCE) is funded
by the Bureau of Women's Health and Gender Analysis, Health Canada, to compile information,
support research and develop policy advice which will enable the health
system to become more responsive to women's health needs in Manitoba
and Saskatchewan, partnering with other Centres of Excellence in a national
program. In November 1999, the PWHCE released a research report entitled Invisible Women: Gender and Health Planning in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
and Models for Progress, by Tammy Horne, Lissa Donner, and Wilfreda
Thurston. The report was based on an analysis of community health needs
assessments and health planning documents developed at the regional
or district level, as well as interviews with representatives of health
districts (Saskatchewan) and regional health authorities (Manitoba).
Regionalization was relatively new when Invisible Women was
commissioned. The documents and the interviews analyzed in this study
revealed very little evidence of gender analysis being used to inform
health planning at the regional or district level. Information on health
needs was rarely disaggregated by sex, and consultations with women's
groups were the exception rather than the rule. When women's health
needs were identified, they were often focused somewhat narrowly on
women's reproductive health or women's assumed responsibility for the
health and care of their families. The research report also contained
information about gender-sensitive health planning efforts in other
jurisdictions, to provide models for regional health planners who want
to find ways to incorporate gender analysis into their work. Back to top of page |
This website is copyrighted by the
Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence, © 1998-2011.
Website design: Pamela Chalmers E-mail: pwhce@uwinnipeg.ca. |