Prairie Women's Health Centre of Excellence

Related Topics

Better Evidence to Improve Women’s Health with Gender and Health Statistics: Health Indicator Frameworks
M. Haworth-Brockman, H. Isfeld

Careful Measures: An Exploration of the Sex and Gender Dimensions of a Deprivation Index M. J. Haworth-Brockman, H. Isfeld, A. Pederson, B. Clow, A. Liwander, and B. A. Kinniburgh, Editors

SGBA e-Learning Resource: Rising to the Challenge. A fun and interactive experience with opportuntities to practice and apply SGBA. Includes tutorials, the core concepts and process of sex- and gender-based analysis (SGBA).
Click here to go to website.

Rising to the Challenge: Sex and Gender-Based Analysis for Health Planning, Policy and Research in Canada
B. Clow, A. Pederson, M. Haworth-Brockman, and J. Bernier

PAHO Guides to Gender-Based Analysis & Health Profile Development
With the support of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), PWHCE has developed two practical guides that illustrate how to carry out a gender-based analysis (GBA) of health data and how to develop a ‘health profile’ that integrates a GBA throughout. Learn more…

Good Reading

Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, Research Bulletin, Time to Deliver on Gender and HIV/AIDS
Download PDF version (417k, 20 pages)


There are differences between women and men concerning health and health care. This relates to their sex or biological differences including reproductive health, and also very importantly, to their gender, the social roles and responsibilities assumed by men and women.

Gender-based analysis (GBA) takes the differences between and among women and men into consideration. Good gender-based analysis takes into account and honours the diversity among women in differing abilities, culture, sexual orientation, economics, geographic location and experiences of social exclusion/inclusion, as well as the effects of racism, colonialism or other discrimination.

GBA is known by many other names, including SGBA (sex- and gender-based analysis), intersectionality, Gender and Diversity Analysis, and the federal GBA+.

Over the years, PWHCE conducted many projects related to Gender and Health Planning. In some cases, PWHCE provided training to regional health authorities, provincial and federal departments and with international partners. PWHCE developed and contributed to new resources on GBA. Often, PWHCE demonstrated how to do GBA, providing new information about the health issues that affect women.

All PWHCE-supported reports provided information about the role of gender as it affects women's health.

Reports and Projects:

All PWHCE-supported reports provide information about the role of gender as it affects women's health. However the following provide theoretical and practical application of gender in health planning:

Rising to the Challenge: Sex-and gender-based analysis for health planning, policy and research in Canada.

Guidelines for Gender Based Analysis of Health Data for Decision Making

Guidelines for Developing a Population Based Gender and Health Profile

dot Gender, Diversity And HIV/AIDS. A skills building session for policymakers, practitioners and researchers.

Including Gender In Health Planning - A Guide For Regional Health Authorities

Uncovering Sex And Gender Differences in Use Patterns of Self-Help and Support Groups

dot Manitoba Women's Health Profile

dot Midwifery In Saskatchewan
An Update on April 18th 2007

dot The Source. Women's Health Data Directory

Invisible Women: Gender and Health Planning in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and Models for Progress

Sighting Gender Based Analysis: Phase II Of Invisible Women

A Rural Women's Health Program:
The Experience of the South Westman RHA

Voices from the Front Lines:
Models of Women-Centred Care in Manitoba and Saskatchewan


Women and Health Care Reform

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